Sometimes certain conditions or prior procedures, like back surgery (ex: spinal fusion), can rule out treatment using the DRX9000.
We see patients that have had back surgeries and have not found relief, and after a through evaluation we start providing care and help relieve their pain and discomfort using a variety of therapies, including Spinal Decompression.
Recently a patient came to us who was still experiencing back pain after he had surgery on his L5/S1 intervertebral disc. The patient stated that he also had L4/L5, L5/S1 herniations, and had been dealing with back pain for quite a long time. Sometimes people will go many years, suffering from lower back pain and sciatica before they even become aware of non surgical, drug free options.
While many people walk around with undiagnosed bulging discs, they may not even feel pain from them and therefore dont seek treatment. Usually when people start suffering from sciatica, a painful and sometimes dibilitating symptom of a bulging or herniated disc, thats when they seek out treatment. Often times people suffering form sciatica won't do a lot of research about their options because they just want to find someone to help them get out of pain as fast as possible. This often leads to heavy doses of prescription drugs that have many serious side effects and can also lead to addiction and after the treatment is stopped they are likely to experience a return of their painful symptoms. Pain medication masks pain and doesnt treat the cause of the pain.
The aforementioned patient described the painful symptoms following surgery as having increased, with pain in the lower right back and glute, and the pain would last for about half the day. There was a dull ache along with tingling and sitting would cause the pain to increase, these symptoms are not unlike sciatica, which meant that there was a possibility that one of the nerve roots in the lower back may have been irritated by the bulging discs. After having surgery just a year ago after a long and agonizing bout with pain the patient felt that another surgery was not going to be a feasible option, especially since the pain had returned so soon after surgery.
He inquired about Spinal Decompression and after an MRI and a thorough chiropractic evaluation and consultation it was determined that he would be a suitable candidate for spinal decompression.
The MRI findings showed that at L5/S1 there was some normal post-operative scarring towards the left side of the disc. There were some mild disc bulges but they had not yet compromised the nerve root. On the right side in the L4/L5 disc, there was some moderate posterior herniation.
The findings:
Vertebrae- Mild retrolisthesis of L5. The remaining AP alignment intact. Height, intensity and enhancement are normal.
Discs- There is a prominent left and rmidline soft tissue intensity at L5/S1, the far majority of it is scarring. There is a small left and right associated disc bulge.
At L4/L5, a small to moderate right posterior herniation. The remainder of the Discs are normal.
The treatment:
The patient will undergo a series of evaluations and decompression sessions, using the DRX9000, followed by Ice and STIM therapy. Along with continued chiropractic care and monitoring, he can also be moved on to physical therapy to help strengthen weak points, stabilize postural muscles, and make tight muscles more flexible.
Using a vast array of advanced treatment options we administer individualized treatment protocols for each patient and prouce results quickly and without the use of invasive procedures like surgery, and our results are unparalleled.