The New York Marathon is getting closer and closer; November is right around the corner for athletes coming from all over the world to compete and test their limits. That also means that this is near the peak training time, the moments when champions shine brightest and put their bodies through the most grueling weekly mileage. That also can mean injuries and it’s too crucial a time to be missing out on training time. Runners need to be able to continue to train while healing and preparing for the real test, the marathon itself.
At Living Well Medical in SoHo, we help runners every year as they prepare for the big race. If there is any way to keep them training and keep them in the race, we do our best to find it. We have a lot of different methods we can use, but there are two in particular that we recommend for endurance athletes because they are extremely effective with overuse injuries and can help athletes stay on the road.
The first technique is called Active Release Technique, or ART for short. ART is a technique that has been used for years at the Iron Man competition because of it’s effectiveness in assessing and treating repeat strains and other overuse issues.
Another common treatment method that promotes healing while keeping functional range of motion is Kinesio Tape. This therapeutic tape can support joints that are sore to keep them moving. For runners, issues like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis can be supported with this technique.
So be prepared to run the race of your life. If you need help with an injury, give Living Well Medical in SoHo NYC a call at 212-645-8151. We’re here to help.
- Dr. Shoshany, NYC Chiropractor
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